Dog Pet Sitting

6 Training Techniques for Dog Pet Sitting in Lakewood Co

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Pet sitting in Lakewood, CO, can be stressful, especially when it comes to handling dogs with different temperaments and needs. Without proper training techniques, pet sitters might struggle with behavior issues like excessive barking, aggression, or anxiety, making the experience unpleasant for both the dog and the sitter. This can lead to unhappy clients and endanger the pet’s and sitter’s safety. To help you out, here are some training techniques for easy dog pet sitting in Lakewood, CO.

Easy training techniques For Dog Pet Sitting in Lakewood Co

1.     Make Use of Positive Reinforcement Strategy

The most effective method for teaching dogs is positive reinforcement training. Positive reinforcement training encourages rewarding your pet for acceptable conduct rather than punishing misbehavior.

Give the dog praise whenever they behave properly and eagerly follow your commands! This makes the relationship between good behavior and favorable results stronger.

Pro Tip: Don’t react immediately or negatively to the dog’s improper actions, such as leaping or barking. Wait and give them attention until they establish appropriate behavior.

2.     Choose Suitable Reward

Some dogs have a high need for food and respond well to any edible reward. While some furry creatures are picky, they usually like their treats to be chewy and softer than crisp. However, some don’t seem to care about eating at all. Try different rewards, such as toys, a brief play session, or just plenty of cuddles.

3.     Give Little Training

Longer training sessions are significantly less effective than shorter ones. Sessions should last no more than five minutes as it may cause the dog to get irritated or distracted. Frequent repetition of training in different environments, among new people, while dog pet sitting in Lakewood CO, is beneficial for the dog to learn consistently and react appropriately to the command.

4.     Make Training Process Fun-filled

Make sure both you and the dog enjoy training! Maintain a positive attitude at all times and try new methods to keep things interesting. You can, for example, combine short play sessions with your exercise routine.

Teaching dog tricks is also a great way to supplement regular obedience training. We tend to react more enthusiastically when we see a dog perform a trick, which encourages them to do more for us! Rewarding your dog for even the smallest achievements is important, but remember the ultimate goal of the training.

5.     Communicate Them with Hand Gestures

Dogs are not as capable of understanding language as humans are, much as we would like them to. Try to communicate with them using hand signals first during dog pet sitting in Lakewood, CO, and then add the spoken instruction afterward. Many dogs respond better to hand signals than verbal commands.

Wrap Up

To conclude, try to use these simple training techniques in dog pet sitting in Lakewood, CO, to get better behavioral outcomes. With the help of these training techniques, you can get fast results and witness a well-behaved dog.

If you are looking for professional dog sitters, contact Unique Pet Sitters. We train, care, and love dogs of every nature and breed.

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